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Missing Address: Undelivered
Materials: Mailbox, Cubic, Handwritten Letters, Neon LED
Location: ROME MAAM (Museum)
Collab X Ka Hyun Kim

What Is Missing? Address or Identity
In Rome, there is a new law that all the citizens need a permanent address if they want the services from hospital, school, bank, health insurance department and etc. For refugee community living at Rome’s MAAM, live without a permanent address and, therefore, lose the most basic connection with the world. They don't have an legal address and also more important, a legal identity.

Museum or Illegal Habitation
In the south periphery of Rome, Inside an abandoned factory, it created a special place, a place to live, village and museum and at the same time. It is a form of collective Art: the artists are invited to give their contribution for free and interact with the people and of course with the other artists. But the factory was also occupied by hundreds of people of various ethnic groups: Roma gypsies, Peruvians, Moroccans, Ukrainians, Eritreans homeless.

The smashed mailing box covered in diamonds is in order to reveal, respectively, a contrast between the fictional refugee, Andrea’s reality, that of a refugee lacking legal recognition, and his desire to possess a valid address. And all the letters and postcards come from the hospital, schools, banks and also friends are all having a stamp mark "Undelivered".

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